Monday, June 1, 2009

Xbox 360 Not Reading Games - Do I Need a New DVD Drive? Find Out Here!

In this Streamyx will be looking at www tm net my streamyx Xbox 360 tmnet streamyx setup the problem with the DVD drive when it will not read your games. This is not a very common error although it is still quite a big problem, and the reason I decided to write this article is because I see a lot of misinformation about this error and people thinking streamyx pop3 setting they need a new disc drive when normally that is not the case.

You see, as most problems the Xbox 360 faces the DVD drive problem is caused by overheating and streamyx port forwarding of the heat affecting the GPU and the CPU it affects the DVD drive and the receptors on the back.

You can normally tell if this is the case by putting in a normal DVD disc like a movie and if the Xbox plays this with no problems then you know it is down to overheating.

So how can you fix the not reading games problem?

Well of course you can send it back in to Microsoft and they will repair it for you and this is not a bad idea although the only off putting thing is the fact that you have to wait up to six weeks to get a fix. I'm sure you will agree that is quite a long time to wait.

So is there any other way that you can fix the problem?

Well if you really cannot wait that long you could try an Xbox 360 repair guide and this will show you with videos and text documents how to stop the heat build up and therefore fix the problem. As long as you make sure that it comes with a complete guarantee and also good customer service you streamyx package have no problems and it is a viable way to fix your console.

I hope this article has helped clear up the confusion with the Xbox 360 not reading games error and also giving you a few tips that you can use to fix it!

Happy gaming!

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